[So looking forward to summer & festival season!]

Sorry all for lack of posting.
My internet's down which is NOT cool when you're a freelance writer/blogger/student.
Otherwise I'm in the middle of a three day exam, help!

Anyway, I'm currently posting from Mike's laptop. Which also means I don't have any of my photos or images. It gets worse and worse ;)

HOWEVER, I thought I'd give you all a taster of what's coming up as soon as I can get my internet working:

Main helper at a fashion show. Expect backstage photos & gossip.
Another internship to add to the future Intern Diaries
VIP Aussie Party
Street Style Photos from London
Some new articles
and much more!

I've also been getting some great emails that I hope to share. And thank you!! to the one's from you fellow bloggers / followers!

Apologies also to all the lovely comment-ers. I'll make this my priority when I have some more internet time!
Also hopefully expect a giveaway :)

lots of love

photo from tumblr.


Anonymous said...

we can make tshirts on monday :D
and that's so sad that your internet is down! how comes?

Beau said...

The sun went :(
it sucks cos I can't wander round in denim shorts anymore! missing you sucks too


Unknown said...

i want that beatles T good luck with exams - so glad iv already graduated uni! ma ha ha xxxx

Rohini said...

The Beatles! *love*
Gosh, I hate it when my internet is down, the amount of trouble I get into from my editors is not even funny.

Arushi Khosla said...

I haven't been posting either! I just did after like, a week and a half! Bad blogger award! My cam broke :(

A Gluten Freestyle said...

All your news sounds exciting. Good luck with exams... and love that picture.

Sarah Von Bargen said...

Wow - good luck with the internship!

I just wanted to pop over and thank you for entering the giveaway for my Karma Cards on the Daisy Chain blog. We have a few sets left if you're still keen! (cough, shameless self-promotion, cough) ;)

Becca. said...

hope you get your internet back soon milly!


Tessa Rose said...

I know I've already pointed this out...but you've got over 100 followers! Congratulations!! xxxx

Eva said...

Beautiful picture!
Love the Beatles!!
good luck with your exams!

Platform P said...

Where are you lover, when are you coming back? Finally got my internet back up after a month. It was like living.in.the.desert.

I sympathise dear.


Ellie said...

I thought I would quickly say hi as I'm going to the Aussie Angel party on Saturday night! Should be very fun. See you there :D

Ellie x

Stacy said...

oooh VIP aussie party. sounds exciting! jealous.
love that beatles tee!


Anonymous said...

i´m looking forward to summer as well.it´s all about festivals,free time and friends.
how are you?

Jessica said...

no worries about blogging- ive been the same way! ooh- fashion show helper? sounds exciting, i'm totally jealous! <3


Lisette Pool - 24/7 STYLISH said...

The beatles nice :D hihi
Good luck with your exams you can do it ^^

& There is an award waiting for you on my blog =) I hope you like it ^^
Have a nice day!

Lots of love, lisette (Sweetlisette.blogspot.com)

Life At Victoria House said...

Don't think I can literally put this anywhere else...I miss you. And want to see you. Needy, but waiting for your reply :)
Cant wait for all your exciting new things to come :)

UnoCosa said...

good luck w/ exams .... xx

Anonymous said...


Kelly, said...

i love that beatles shirt! and your blog is really lovely :)