Hey guys, thanks for all your lovely comments!
I'll get back to you asap but have to get on with all my work that's due next week... my list includes: Eng cwk, Art cwk, Art exam project, 3,000 word essay, 70 mark question, 20 page booklet. Oh the fun of A Levels :)

Anyway, I thought I would leave all of you a little something whilst I'm working away.

The lovely people here: discount codes have offered me a £25 ASOS voucher to give away to all you lovely readers. They do some great discounts including at Miss Selfridge & ASOS, grab the codes here: Miss Selfridge and ASOS

Anyway, on to the giveaway!

It's simple really, you must...
1. Be a follower of this blog, this is just because I want the giveaway to be a thank you to all my lovely followers! (You can be a new follower though. Also please say if it's bloglovin' rather than google reader!)
2. Leave a comment saying you've entered with your email address

The winner will be drawn on Wednesday in the evening (UK time) at random!

Best of luck,



natalie said...

OH! I adore ASOS, we don't have a store in Belgium, but I always check it out online! *obsession*

So, this counts as my entry for this give away! Fingers Crossed!


Natalie (Latanie)


LadyBugSays ... said...

Fab giveaway, I always find a million and one things I love on the ASOS site, but have to restrain myself!

Enter me please!


Girl About Town said...

I entered!
Love Laura


aindrea said...

right, so you know i follow you on friend connect ;) so count me in!

Caz said...

Enter Me Please! I love ASOS as theres always something on there I want!

My email address is : thisiscaz@live.co.uk


Lucy said...

Its lucy! Would love this so much!

Kavita @ She Wears Fashion - UK style and fashion blog said...

Enter me please, I haven't won a blog contest yet :( haha

Lauren said...

Hey, thank you so much for following my blog, and for your lovely comment :) I would love to win the ASOS voucher, my email is lauren_hockey@hotmail.co.uk

Lauren xx.

Danni said...

please enter me! :) i love your blog, and good luck with all that coursework.


Becca. said...



I'd love to win one of these blogger giveaways, I never do :(

Becca xxxxxxx

Sophie said...

This is such a great giveaway! Enter me please!! xx


Unknown said...

i do believe im a follower way hay! i would follow u on bloglovin too but i cant remember my password! boo hoo! off to see dear john tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I love ASOS, thanks girl:)

Enter Me Please:)


Anonymous said...


Lucy said...

haha i know but i thought i wasnt logged into blogger which is why i put my name teehee
Cheerleading was very good fun actually thanks tho we didnt win any trophies :( booo still it was quite epic and good thanks, ive got a photo album with some pics but sadly you couldnt take pics of the comp..
love uuu

p.s have i entered this twice now?! oops x

Life At Victoria House said...

Enter me please.
I did this one on my blog and got a lovely new dress.

Simi said...

perfect timing for an asos voucher they're having a mid-season sale
so please enter me :d

young-shields said...

Hey there Millie, hope everything's well. Congrats on the Company internship! Great giveaway.

I've followed you on bloglovin :)


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

awww good luck with all the work sweetie x

I'm a follower on blogger (always have been!), fingers crossed I'll win! I could do with some cheering up :P



I V Y said...

ooh awesome!

Jessica said...

good luck with all your stuff coming up, you seem busy! <3


Anonymous said...

I totally adore your blog. You're friggin' delightful! :D


Arushi Khosla said...

Hey! You won my giveaway!

FashionJazz said...

Hey! Hope u are having a lovely wknd! xx

mel said...

ahh so lucky! asos -love:)
good luck for all tose crazy exams! hope it goes weel, and im suer t will:) thankyou alos for your beautiful comment milly you absolutely made my day for me! i'm dreamin for an online store one day hopefully, but you made me smile, and i hope your week is amazing:)

fashionfashionfashion said...

J'dore my lovely ;)



Reena Rai said...

Best of luck honey! Look forward to your next post

Nathalie said...

Good luck for all your tasks.
I am following you via google and my email is accessorypirate@googlemail.com

Bennet said...

love your blog, and love asos! what could be better? lol :D
please enter me for your competition :)
keep up the amazing work!


CYNTHIA said...

my that's a lot of work, but the more work done, the more achieved, the more time to play!

Arushi Khosla said...

Hi! Babe, I'm SO sorry, I didn't realize the contest was only open to US readers, I'm such a ditz :(

Kill me, I permit you.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, sounds good!
i love being darker, but as i've just found out it's quite a shock first of all!
i think the chocolate would suit you but highlights are always great for summer!
i misssssssss you, please let me know when you're free so we can meet up :)

Life At Victoria House said...

Thanks for the sweet comment.
Back to blogging for a while, well until it starts up again. Just shows how mean some people can be. :)
Hope all is okay.
Miss you as usual xox
Www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

Manju said...

enter me please, i'm new around here :)
email - manjuxoxo(at)(gmail)(dot)(com)
i love Asos to bits!

Olivia Lopez said...

Haha aw that's really sweet...I haven no idea what or how I write that irks people so much either, but whatever, can't win them all. People always find a reason to ostracize each other, if it's not this it's something else aha.
Keep doing lit!
<3 o

Olivia Lopez said...

Haha aw that's really sweet...I haven no idea what or how I write that irks people so much either, but whatever, can't win them all. People always find a reason to ostracize each other, if it's not this it's something else aha.
Keep doing lit!
<3 o

Anonymous said...

when is bank holiday?! i MUST see you then!

Beth said...

I love Asos!

Following too.
