Looking forward to this at the weekend...
Frock me with TK Maxx, presented by Alexa Chung and Henry Holland is back this Sunday on T4!
Here's a behind the scenes sneak preview.
Will you be watching??

Outfit posts, features and more fashion bits and bobs to come!



Unknown said...

me too thanks goodness for sky + xxxxxx

daisychain said...

I must try and remember to watch!

LiPs said...

I love Alexa and am shamlessley obsessed u know i will be watching. MM x

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see this!
and can't wait to see you!
i'll give you a text this week so we can organise :)

Anonymous said...

I'm totally going to be watching this!! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! And YES, totally up for meeting some cool new fashion bloggers!

I've moved site now, i'm at :

Follow me on google and bloglovin! (i'll do the same) ;)

sami xxx

Habin Kim said...

thanks for visiting my blog, im so jealous that you got an internship at company magazine, well done! x

Lisette Pool - 24/7 STYLISH said...

Very nice blog!
I follow you =)
Do you follow me back??

Lots of love,
Lisette // sweetlisette.blogspot.com

Labyrinth said...

Love Alexa.. :)
Labyrinth Jewellery & Accessories

Lisette Pool - 24/7 STYLISH said...

I am happy to follow you too! Your blog is so lovely, I can't get enough of it, keep posting =)


Anonymous said...

omg, will def be watching frock me! i love alexa and henry holland!

Habin Kim said...

regarding your comment,that'd be really good to meet up yeah, depending on if im around in august (: when do you start your internship then?

Habin Kim said...

regarding your comment,that'd be really good to meet up yeah, depending on if im around in august (: when do you start your internship then?

Becca. said...

thanks to you and your linking ahahahaha

Analisa said...

Aw I heard about this! I don't think it shows in the US though haha. You're jealous that I live in California? I'm jealous that you live in England!

glee said...

great video. i always to see behind the scenes! :)

Jessica said...

i still don't understand why they call it TK Maxx in the UK and Ireland when its TJ Maxx here...haha!

Platform P said...

I will. Is it wrong that I have a slight crush on Henry Holland's hair?


Marla Singer said...

ahhh love the video <3

Anonymous said...

hi Milly,
I´m so sorry for not writing you for such a long time!I think I should send you a message on facebook sometimes.
I absolutely love that video(:
have a nice day

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Found your blog today via Arushi's! Congrats on the win!:) Followng you for more posts! :)

Jessica Ly said...

LOVE. NUFF said.