These Lights Will Inspire You...

...Expect more than one post on America. And then Christmas. And shortly my birthday!
Then we shall finally hit up the competition... my blog will hopefully be quite hectic.
We got stuck in Washington for an extra day due to the snow. 23inches. Beat that.
But Avatar&The Hard Rock Cafe made up for it. Plus we saw Bo, Obama's dog ;)

Only in New York...sweetest dancing Panda ever.
The MoMa blew me away. Visit it.

Artwork in the street.

View from Staten Island Ferry. Not the best, bit windy.

Who said I was afraid of heights...oh right, me. View from Empire State at night.
Times Square.

Outfit Posts. Purchases. Christmas. Birthday.
All to come... :)

How are your holidays?!
M x

A Note.

To say... I am so busy trying to complete everything for magazines and college before I head off to NEW YORK this week. I promise to have lots of photos and things to talk about on my return.

Otherwise I just wanted to let you all know Mlle-Milly will shortly be hosting it's first ever competition, and just in time for Christmas! So make sure you follow me (google) so as not to miss out & keep checking back! :)

(Source: ELLE UK)

Also huge YAY for Jourdan Dunn (one of a number of favourite models) who had her first baby on Thursday - a little boy! So sweet. And yet she keeps that figure of hers. One word: jealous (obviously)

M x

The National Portrait Gallery...&other things.

For those of you who live in the UK, and have suitable access to London, I cannot resist encouraging you to head down to the National Portrait Gallery this Christmas.
A personal favourite of mine I absolutely adore the gallery, more so if the exhibition is a photographic one - I'm more photographer than painter see.
So here are two I encourage you to see:

Twiggy: A Life In Photographs

until March 2010
This inspirational woman who is still evident in the fashion world today captured the imagination of the swinging sixties with her boyish figure, long legs and cropped hair.
The iconic photograph by Barry Lategan from 1966 (above) will be shown, right up to some from 2008.
Model, Actor, Television Presenter and more, this is not to be missed.

Beatles to Bowie, The 60s Exposed
(in case you didn't notice I rather love the Sixties)
until 24th January, 2010
The collection presents 0ver 150 photographs of 1960s London, along with various memorabilia.
It will feature iconic music personalities from the era who inspired cultural and social changes at the time. Bands and individuals who will not be forgotten quickly, from The Rolling Stones to Cliff Richard.
Spoil your inner wild child, or hippie chick, and head down to the exhibition to get a real feel for those awesome times.

On a final note...
I realised I never posted my most recent article for Amelia's.
So here it is:

M x


So I'm not going to go into huge apologies for not over a month (I probably should really thanks to that horrific time-scale). UCAS / Coursework / Job etc.

I hope you're all well and school / college / university / jobs are not getting you down.
Not long until the Christmas holidays for me and personally I CANNOT WAIT.
I'm off to New York for the first time ever...and so excited about it. We're also hitting up Washington DC & a day stop in Philli...gonna be a bit mad, and going with college but hopefully stupidly fun. If I'm feeling really generous / have any money left (".) you may find a little Christmassy competition appears on here after my trip ;)

I've got my first article in Not Just A Label now. It was on the front page for a while, the title of their newsletter, and the main feature of the newsletter so I was rather proud to say the least. Not Just A Label is one of my favourite sites so I've been hanging on for this moment for some time.

Ta Da!
I'll be back now, I hope... with outfits / gifts / reviews and so on, so please feel neglected no longer! & do keep updated by following me on bloglovin'

Lotsofmadlovetoyouallforputtingupwithme ;)

M xxx