London Fashion Week

Orla Kiely
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Louise Gray
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Craig Lawrence
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[Daisy Lowe at] BodyAmr

Fashion Week.

I've been stupidly lucky. One standing show and all the rest seated; ridiculously good positions for Louise Gray and BodyAmr.
I could go through the shows in detail but you can find it on really...
So instead it's my experiences, my p.o.v.

I've had products and makeovers from the deightful people at MAC - a little review coming soon. Been allowed backstage at Ones To Watch where I met the deightful Charlotte Taylor, A. Hallucination guys and Georgina Hardinge. Spotted the gorgeous Lily Allen at BodyAmr, before seeing
Daisy Lowe (my absolute favourite!) and Amber Rose (Kanye West's girlfriend) walk. It may seem like I'm name dropping but the buzzy audience atmosphere around these events means they're worth a mention.

Other highlights include catching up with the lovely fashion friends I rarely get to see. The exhibitions have been a wealth of talent and making new contacts. And I loved the Orla Kiely presentation as always, plus added Craig Lawrence to my interest list.

I'll be sharing images and brands and other experiences with you for weeks to come. But thanks to four hours sleep I'm off to bed; Matthew Williamson beckons tomorrow...



chantelle said...

wow, you lucky girl! amazing shots :) it all looks so stunning! i love daisy ♥

Anonymous said...

We finally met lol. Although it was a VERY brief meeting :/

Hope you enjoy the rest fashion week (Y)

Analisa said...

I wish I could go to London Fashion week! I'll trade you weather AND location! Haha

miss annie said...

I love th eorla kiely presentation! Wish I would have been there!

mystreetsweets said...

great blog! I found you on chictopia I am now following you on blog lovin!

check out my blog to if you get a chance:) and feel free to follow me:)
It will also enter you in my ist give away :)

Jade Rat said...

I come @ your blog for first time. Love this post/pics! You're so lucky! You wanna exchange links?

Unknown said...

i love this post. so lucky! new follower!

Yay or Nay said...

Hi!! Wow you got some really good pics! Good work!!! Yay!! x

Jaymie said...

sounds amazing!
love those sunglasses in the second picture aswell.

Sarah said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog dear! Miguel's photos are all so beautiful, i feel really lucky that he stopped me t LFW!
Looks like you've been having an awesome time! I'm so envious of all your shows, i think i''d die if i got just one invite!! xxxxx

Miss Molly said...

you so lucky! awesome snaps!


PS: don't forget to enter my fabulous giveaway, follow the link -

Anonymous said...

Fantastic web site, I had not noticed earlier in my searches!
Keep up the wonderful work!

L-jo Cullen said...

I'm disgustingly jelous! Are you with Company as an intern? Good place to work for? X

LadyBugSays ... said...

Lucky girl! Amazing photos!

online wardrobe said...

Cool cutouts! Love the shredded white dress. xo

Jaymie said...

thanks for that lovely comment on my illustration :)
now following, gained even more inspo from this post again! thanks. ehe.

daniela kate morosini said...

oh my, i was at bodyamr too! how did we miss each other?! lovely shots xx

Arushi Khosla said...

OMG, I wish I were at LFW :(

Prad Savania said...

Hello There! How u doing?

Great post! Nice fun post...also love Daisy Lowe! Loving Pearl Lowe's Lookbook!

Love Heels?

I really think that you will enjoy viewing my shoe designing BlogSpot! All my designs are hand-drawn too! I Hope that my illustrations will help me get a step into the shoe designing industry! Let me know your opinion? Take care x

Nici said...

you're so lucky!

Nici from

Anonymous said...

The dresses are so beautiful!!

Lisa Rosalie said...

I really like your blog!
I gave you an award on my blog, check it out here:

X Lisa

daniela kate morosini said...

oh millie, how did we miss each other?! you can even see a tiny bit of me behind lily allen in your bodyamr shot! xx

Arushi Khosla said...

I never thought Daisy Lowe was stunningly pretty or anything but she is really fun and warm in interviews so who am I to judge?

Fabulous pictures and so glad you had a fantastic time!

iamronel said...

wow love that shade as chic said...

you so lucky darling..:)

nikki said...

wow millie. sweet shots.

I LOVE the craig lawrence dress. sik

hope you're keeping well you glam thing you



Unknown said...

totally obsessed with this collection <3

Zoe Schlacter said...

Thanks for commenting!
I really love your blog!... definitely following.

Your blog makes me smile,

zizi bloom said...

thank you for your comment!
i really like your blog!
let's follow each other if you want!!!

A Girl, A Style said...

Thanks for your comment lovely! And yes, you must let me know when you're next about Cambridge! Where is your housemate from? I'm from Adelaide!

Hope everything is great and that Uni is going fabulously.

Briony xx

Kat said...

you're so lucky! i've never been to a real fashion show. it must be the fact the i am in high school, and i have no connections, but wow! it looks stunning... thank you for the comment! <3