One final exam & then I have so much on, most of which I'll share with you all!
Exams definitely suck...I've missed:
Rare Press Day
Magazine Launch
Free VIP Backstage tickets to Glastonbury
all because of these exams, argh...
There are so many things I want at the moment, a lot of these come in the form of shoes...
Interning Shoes? - I need comfy shoes that will stay on but still look stylish!
[Click the names to go to them!]
Going Out/Press Day/Events Shoes?

ASOS HELGA Leather & Chain Heel Sandals
[I'd pair these with some rolled chinos & a sheer blouse]
[I'd pair these with some rolled chinos & a sheer blouse]
Other than that my 'saving up for' list is pretty endless...
SLR for events/LFW etc
USA [travel + interning for 3months-1year, yay!]
Chloe or Orla Kiely Blouse
Marc Jacobs dress
Babooshka Turban
Babooshka Turban
[it goes on...]
What're you all lusting after?
Mmmm...they're all really cute shoes!! I love those flats! xoxoxooo
Thx for your comment too! Yea I meant tights!
Nice blog again! =)
Hiya lovely! You had backstage VIP tickets to Glasto? How the hell did you get those? Ridiculously jealous. Hope the exams are going well. :) The shoes you posted all really cute! x
aww really cute ones.
how are you hun?:)
oh i love the first t bar shoes :)
thanks for your lovely comment btw! :)
i like the colour palette of these shoes! I am currently lusting after light,floaty nude and soft tone garments.
Cute shoes!!!! Thankyou for the comment!!!
Please visit at
sooo gorgeous! there are some miu miu knockoffs in river island i like...
haha thank you! i took a picture of me in my dress but realised i looked awful next to the swifty! she exudes glowiness. are you coming to my blog party? x
Oh love all those shoes esp the ASOS ones they look really pretty!
Love the shoes!!! Have a lovely Monday hun! xxx
cool post here!!!
lovely blog u have!
pls come visit and join:))
I want MIU MIU heels so badly!
Those flats are so pretty! xo
Love all of the shoe :)
I've given you an award on my blog , take a look :) xx
Those leather/chain sandals are awesome!!
such a shame you missed all those events and offers but I hope that you can get to do lots more yummy stuff when your exams are finished.
i neeed me a turban asap x
i am lusting after EVERYTHING! i need to win the lottery xxxxxxx
Love those ASOS heels.:)SarahD
WANT those 2nd Asos shoes, hot hot hot!
love those brogues soo much! loving pastel coloured shoes, i want to find the perfect pair of mint green or pastel blue brogues boots!
Some great shoes :)
- Adele
i love those oxfords!
Love the lace-ups :)
Luv, Friend in Fashion
love the brogues!
Such cute shoes!
Just stumbled by your blog &
I absolutely love it! :)
- Audrey Allure <3
lust for the perfect heeled cow boy boots!!
thanks for the lovely comment!
hope you visit soon :)
and hope you follow!
hello hun,
how are you?i´m quite fine.
what are you doing on holidays:)
so nice!!
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