A Birfday.

An 18th. Mine to be exact.
5 day celebration.

4th: My dress matches my drink! Raspberry Cosmopolitan, cutting the cake.

Love them...4th.

1st: Cinema, Lunch Out, Presents at Mine with family & boyf.
2nd-3rd: Family, relatives & old family friends party for my 18th&sister's 21st, sweeet. Marquee & all. Love you parents. Fabulous presents, especially from Sophs&Cath.

4th-5th, Day time: Haircut. Braces OFF. Lunch at Henrys inc. cocktailm, yum.
Make Up Done. Get Dressed. Get Excited. Final Panic.
Got to the 1st place, the bar I'd hired out and it all worked perfectly. The perfect boyfriend made a perfect playlist, the lights were good, the friends turned up and stayed the whole time, and I sat and sipped perfect cocktails.
Last EVER BraceFACE ;)
Love her!

Here's me looking a little crazy. We headed off to Revs & Fez afters.
Some things were worked out in my head that night. They'll stay with me now.
2010 is the year for keeping resolutions, and making some changes


H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

awww looks like you had so much fun - and I love both your outfits! especially those tights :)

what a perfect time to get the braces off: your birthday! you have such a beautiful smile now!

♥ Hannah



Life At Victoria House said...

YAY :) Half these pictures are mine! What a great photographer :)
Next its MINE :)
www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

fadetoblack said...

looks like you had a blast!++

Anonymous said...

aw i really want to have my braces off! does it feel wierd?
happy birthday, looks like you had a great time :)

Frances Davison said...

you look gorge! and woah, legal drinking? hey now, sounds exciting. x

Fashion Wh0re said...

Love the Outfits..

Great Blog...i'm following check out my blog and if youlike it follow me too ;)

Platform P said...


I know it's ridiculously late, but Happy belated dollface! Hope you had great birthday/Xmas/NY. Looks like you had a great time. Congrats on having no more 'braceface' (haha you are insane)!

So my first post is finally up... come over and say hi.

PP x

Nishant said...

what a perfect time to get the braces off: your birthday! you have such a beautiful smile now!

lingerie video

Mia Sumiati said...

You look fabulous! I know how excited you were to remove the braces... How long were you on braces? I had mine for 3 years and got my retainers thrown away in the napkins after I left Starbucks..

Riot Apple