
Exciting News keeps hitting and I can't get enough

1. I got events committee chair at my college: events planning here we come.
We currently have a summer party and cabaret in the making.
2. I got co-editor of my college newspaper, perfect as I want to do fashion journalism.
3. I'm helping at this exclusive fashion show where there's even a limited number of helpers for security reasons. There's ballet dancers on ropes, DJs, goodie bags...
4. I'm helping at a second fashion show and it's after party.
5. I'm helping at the photoshoot and fitting for both of the above shows.
6. I found out yesterday that me and one of my best friend's is getting the chance to design clothes for and model in this big charity fashion show at The Junction, ahhh! It's so exciting and afterwards our clothes get sold.
I'll keep you posted on how things go and upload photos of the shows and the workshops I attend before them to make my designs.
I've also just planned a 2 week road trip with my boyfriend this summer :)
And I'm going to Turkey with my family and New York at Christmas!

Exam stress is not going as badly as I expected...

How's everyone else getting on


Caroline Druitt said...

ahh so excited about the fashion show :) love you xxx

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

so many exciting things, enjoy your holiday trips! :)