Street Style, The Satorialist...

Head to the Streets in Style Ladies...

Scott Schman of 'The Sartorialist' has got his first book deal! Famous for taking photos of the world's most fashionable street looks in the major cities - from Paris to New York - and posting them on his blog it is more than likely that this new book will be snapped up very quickly by the fashion crowd. The blog has been voted one of the Top 100 Design Influencer's by Times Magazine! His other achievements, mainly coming up in the past year, range from doing photoshoots for Vogue and modelling for a Gap advert. The book should be out this September, with various limited edition versions...but the best news is it will be an affordable paperback. Which means you have no excuse not to buy it. Personally I can't wait and I'll be posting a review up when I get my hands on it.

For an early preview head over to, you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

Demi said...

thank you honey :)
and yes sure I'll link you!

ooh, I wish I had that much money too!
