Molly, Kirsty, Me, Jackie
[street style spotted for Emerging Fervour]
Me, Kirsty, Molly - blogger love x
Me and my 'homegirlll' Molly :)
[who's in almost every one of my posts!]
As part of London Fashion Week, I met up with some of my friends (who also happen to primarily be bloggers!!). It was so lovely to see them all and a few I haven't stopped texting / bbming etc since, the London vibes just don't want to go away - I'm longing to return (4 weeks, yes!).
Others I loved seeing included Audrey, Rachael (my editor), Lucy, Aindrea, Carrie, Frances, Daniella...x

LFW photos, outfits and reviews to come this week! x


Unknown said...

oh look theres my face bleugh! ha ha Just kidding.
That lil girl who i said i saw in ASOS (If you remember?) n i couldnt remember who she was or why i recognised her at LFW - well i found her eventually...... shes from a blog called beauty brains. If you hav no idea what im talking about never mind ha ha xxxx

Tessa Rose said...

Glad you had fun though v v jealous as per! Was nice catching up this evening. :) I've finally booked time off work for when you're visiting! :) Excitement!

love xxx

mel said...

loving your outfits, cool shot :)

Claire said...

so jealous of you all! and you both look amazing (:

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

Love all these photos, looks like you had the best time! VERY jealous!



marian said...

lovely photos. Thank you for you thoughts on my post on blogging

Anonymous said...

homegirl haha :')

Life At Victoria House said...

Looks like awesome fun :)
Hope you got my text.
Still says your blocked me on here tho! :/

Anonymous said...

you look so nice together:),i know Milly as well(just from the blog):D

btw.awesome clothes!

johnny leopard said...

you all look lovely :)
i finished the great gatsby today btw and i loved it too! it was so bittersweet. i'll look into the beautiful and the damned, thanks for the recommendation ;)

i had to order from 3 different places til i finally got my scarf! they all emailed me saying 'sorry, but due to such high demand we can't process your order' frustrating stuff.

look forward to hearing more about lfw :) xx

Sherrie Cola said...

Great pictures, jealous!